Aug 14, 2023
This episode is featuring Brendan Mouatt and Luke Postlethwaite
from The Knowledge Exchange, a team of health professionals with a
background in research seeking to better the clinical practice by
translating research into practical knowledge for healthcare
professionals. Brendan and Luke are through their company, working
towards a future of better clinical practice, with all the best
available research.
Together we talk about how simple solutions rarely work for chronic
pain, the role of the clinician, why you need a tailored treatment
for each patient and experience from own practice.
If you want to learn more from Brendan and Luke, you can join one
of the many courses they provide. They are visiting Copenhagen with
their course “Pain, Perception, and Movement in a Biopsychosocial
Framework” the 30th September and 1st October. Book your tickets
before it´s too late on!
Host: Simon Kirkegaard, Cand. Scient. Fysioterapi, founder and
co-owner of “Smertevidenskab".
Some of the recommendations we talk about in the podcast:
Peter O´Sullivan:
The Knowledge Exchange:
Tkex Facebook group:
Ivan Lin 2019 guidelines -
Ben Darlow "The enduring impact of what clinicians say to people with low back pain"
Accounts to follow:
Greg Lehman, Alexis Leveille, Derek Griffin, Oliver Thomson.
Brendan Mouatt is a practising accredited exercise physiologist, clinical educator, and researcher from Adelaide Australia. Brendan has worked as a clinician for over 10 years and his Ph.D. research explores how perceptions, beliefs, and behaviours (particularly during clinical interactions) influence the recovery of those suffering from pain and their impact on perceived affordances and future healthcare service use.
Brendan’s research: